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Acoustic Guitar - Black Dragon
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Acoustic Guitar - Black Dragon

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The Acoustic Guitar is a plucked string instrument played either with fingers or a pick. Related instruments are believed to have originated in ancient central Asia and eventually made their way to Europe in the 8th Century. As civilizations merged the guitar began taking on a unified shape and style. String count varied between 3-5 and the overall shape was much smaller compared to the ones seen today. It was in Italy that the first six string classical guitar was created. European immigrants settling in America replaced the nylon strings with steel ones which give way to the modern Acoustic Guitar. Features realistic detail and a rounded neck for easy grip. The reverse side has a standard connection point for when your traveling minifig musician needs to sling it onto his back.

Note: Miniquins, MOCs and Minifig parts not included with purchase

Rp 14.500,-
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